Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems – First International Conference, BlockSys 2019, Guangzhou, China, December 7-8, 2019, Proceedings, Zibin Zheng, Hong-Ning Dai, Mingdong Tang, Xiangping Chen, Springer出版社, ISBN 978-981-15-2776-0, 2020
QoS Management of Web Services, Zibin Zheng and Michael R. Lyu, Springer出版社, ISBN 978-3-642-34206-6, 2013
[IJWGS] Zibin Zheng, Shaoan Xie, Hong-Ning Dai, Xiangping Chen, Huaimin Wang
“Blockchain Challenges and Opportunities: A Survey”
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2018, 14(4): 352-375. [pdf]
[ICBD] Zibin Zheng, Shaoan Xie, Hong-Ning Dai, Xiangping Chen, Huaimin Wang
“An Overview of Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Consensus, and Future Trends”
BigData Congress 2017: 557-564. [pdf]
Blockchain Global Top50 Influential Papers
[JCRD] 陈伟利, 郑子彬
计算机研究与发展, 2018, Journal of Computer Research and Development. [pdf]
[ICSE-SEIP] Peilin Zheng, Zibin Zheng, Xiapu Luo, Xiangping Chen, Xuanzhe Liu
“A Detailed and Real-time Performance Monitoring Framework for Blockchain Systems”
International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track (ICSE-SEIP) 2018: 134-143. [pdf]
[ICSE] Weili Chen, Zibin Zheng, Mingjie Ma, Pinjia He, Peilin Zheng, Yuren Zhou
“Efficient blockchain-based software systems via hierarchical bucket tree”
International Conference on Software Engineering 2018: 360-361. [pdf]
[WWW] Weili Chen, Zibin Zheng, Jiahui Cui, Edith C. H. Ngai, Peilin Zheng, Yuren Zhou
“Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum: Towards Healthier Blockchain Technology”
World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web 2018: 1409-1418. [pdf]
[SOSE] Weili Chen, Mingjie Ma, Yongjian Ye, Zibin Zheng, Yuren Zhou
“IoT Service Based on JointCloud Blockchain: The Case Study of Smart Traveling”
IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 2018: 216-221. [pdf]
[INFOCOM] Weili Chen, Jun Wu, Zibin Zheng, Chuan Chen, Yuren Zhou
“Market Manipulation of Bitcoin: Evidence from Mining the Mt. Gox Transaction Network”
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications 2019: 964-972. [pdf]
[ACCESS] Weili Chen, Zibin Zheng, Edith Cheuk-Han Ngai, Peilin Zheng, Yuren Zhou
“Exploiting Blockchain Data to Detect Smart Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum”
IEEE Access 7: 37575-37586 (2019). [pdf]
[ACCESS] Zhiwei Lin, Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“BGN: Identifying Influential Nodes in Complex Networks via Backward Generating Networks”
IEEE Access 6: 59949-59962 (2018). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Hong-Ning Dai, Zibin Zheng, Yan Zhang
“Blockchain for Internet of Things: A Survey”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(5): 8076-8094 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Wuhui Chen, Zhen Zhang, Zicong Hong, Chuan Chen, Jiajing Wu, Sabita Maharjan, Zibin Zheng, Yan Zhang
“Cooperative and Distributed Computation Offloading for Blockchain-Empowered Industrial Internet of Things”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(5): 8433-8446 (2019). [pdf]
[TVT] Xiaoyu Qiu, Luobin Liu, Wuhui Chen, Zicong Hong, Zibin Zheng
“Online Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computation Offloading in Blockchain-Empowered Mobile Edge Computing”
IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 68(8): 8050-8062 (2019). [pdf]
[TVT] Chuan Chen, Jiajing Wu, Hui Lin, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng
“A Secure and Efficient Blockchain-based Data Trading Approach for Internet of Vehicles”
IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 68(9): 9110-9121 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Kang Liu, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng, Zhenni Li, Wei Liang
“A Novel Debt-Credit Mechanism for Blockchain-Based Data-Trading in Internet of Vehicles”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(5): 9098-9111 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Zhen Zhang, Zicong Hong, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng, Xu Chen
“Joint Computation Offloading and Coin Loaning for Blockchain-empowered Mobile-Edge Computing”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(6): 9934-9950 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Kang Liu, Xiaoyu Qiu, Wuhui Chen, Xu Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Optimal Pricing Mechanism for Data Market in Blockchain-enhanced Internet of Things”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(6): 9748-9761 (2019). [pdf]
[ICPC] Yuan Huang, Queping Kong, Nan Jia, Xiangping Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Recommending Differentiated Code to Support Smart Contract Update”
ICPC 2019: 260-270. [pdf]
[SOSE] Peilin Zheng, Zibin Zheng, Weili Chen, Jing Bian, Jianxun Eileen Yang
“EtherShare: Share Information in JointCloud Environment Using Blockchain-based Smart Contracts”
IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 2019. [pdf]
[SOSE] Weili Chen, YueJin Xu, Zibin Zheng, Yuren Zhou, Eileen Jianxun Yang, Jing Bian
“Detecting “Pump & Dump Schemes” on Cryptocurrency Market Using An Improved Apriori Algorithm”
IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 2019. [pdf]
[TSC] Zibin Zheng, Hao Ma, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
“Collaborative Web Service QoS Prediction via Neighborhood Integrated Matrix Factorization”
IEEE Trans. Services Computing 6(3): 289-299 (2013). [pdf]
[TSC] Zibin Zheng, Hao Ma, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
“QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering”
IEEE Trans. Services Computing 4(2): 140-152 (2011). [pdf]
[ICSE] Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“Collaborative Reliability Prediction of Service-Oriented Systems”
International Conference on Software Engineering (1) 2010: 35-44. [pdf]
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
[ICWS] Zibin Zheng, Yilei Zhang, Michael R. Lyu
“Distributed QoS Evaluation for Real-World Web Services”
International Conference on Web Services 2010: 83-90. [pdf]
Best Student Paper Award
[TSOEM] Yi Xiang, Yuren Zhou, Zibin Zheng, Miqing Li
“Configuring Software Product Lines by Combining Many-objective Optimization and SAT Solvers”
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 26(4): 14:1-14:46 (2018). [pdf]
[ISSRE] Yilei Zhang, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“WSPred: A Time-Aware Personalized QoS Prediction Framework for Web Services”
IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2011: 210-219. [pdf]
[TC] Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented Systems with Local and Global Constraints”
IEEE Trans. Computers 64(1): 219-232 (2015). [pdf]
[ICWS] Yilei Zhang, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“WSExpress: A QoS-aware Search Engine for Web Services”
ICWS 2010: 91-98. [pdf]
[ICWS] Zibin Zheng, Hao Ma, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
“WSRec: A Collaborative Filtering Based Web Service Recommender System”
ICWS 2009: 437-444. [pdf]
[ISSRE] Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“A QoS-Aware Middleware for Fault Tolerant Web services”
ISSRE 2008: 97-106. [pdf]
[ICWS] Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“A Distributed Replication Strategy Evaluation and Selection Framework for Fault Tolerant Web Services”
ICWS 2008: 145-152. [pdf]
[TSC] Zibin Zheng, Hao Ma, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
“QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering”
IEEE Trans. Services Computing 4(2): 140-152 (2011). [pdf]
[EMSE] Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“An Adaptive QoS-Aware Fault Tolerance Strategy for Web Services”
Empirical Software Engineering 15(4): 323-345 (2010). [pdf]
[TSC] Zibin Zheng, Tom Chao Zhou, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
“Component Ranking for Fault-Tolerant Cloud Applications”
IEEE Trans. Services Computing 5(4): 540-550 (2012). [pdf]
[TSC] Zibin Zheng, Yilei Zhang, Michael R. Lyu
“Investigating QoS of Real-world Web Services”
IEEE Trans. Services Computing 7(1): 32-39 (2014). [pdf]
[Complexity] Liang Chen, Fenfang Xie, Zibin Zheng, Yaoming Wu
“Predicting Quality of Service via Leveraging Location Information”
Complexity 2019: 4932030:1-4932030:16 (2019). [pdf]
[TPDS] Zicong Hong, Wuhui Chen, Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Zibin Zheng
“Multi-hop Cooperative Computation Offloading for Industrial IoT in IIoT-Edge-Cloud Computing Environments “
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 30(12): 2759-2774 (2019). [pdf]
[TITS] Zibin Zheng, Yatao Yang, Jiahao Liu, Hong-Ning Dai, Yan Zhang
“Deep and Embedded Learning Approach for Traffic Flow Prediction in Urban “
IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems 20(10): 3927-3939 (2019). [pdf]
[TVT] Zicong Hong, Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng
“QoS-Aware Cooperative Computation Offloading for Robot Swarms in Cloud Robotics”
IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 68(4): 4027-4041 (2019). [pdf]
[Access] Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Dongding Lin, Zibin Zheng, Xiaola Lin
“Personalized Service Recommendation with Mashup Group Preference in “
IEEE Access 7: 16155-16167 (2019). [pdf]
[Network] Wuhui Chen, Baichuan Liu, Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Zibin Zheng
“When UAV Swarm Meets Edge-Cloud Computing: The QoS Perspective”
IEEE Network 33(2): 36-43 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Kang Liu, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng, Zhenni Li, Wei Liang
“A Novel Debt-Credit Mechanism for Blockchain based Data-Trading in Internet of Vehicles”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(5): 9098-9111 (2019). [pdf]
[IOTJ] Kang Liu, Xiaoyu Qiu, Wuhui Chen, Xu Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Optimal Pricing Mechanism for Data Market in Blockchain-enhanced Internet of Things”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6(6): 9748-9761 (2019). [pdf]
[Access] Yang Li, Wanshan Zheng, Zibin Zheng
“Deep Robust Reinforcement Learning for Practical Algorithmic Trading”
IEEE Access 7: 108014-108022 (2019). [pdf]
[ICSE] Jieming Zhu, Shilin He, Jinyang Liu, Pinjia He, Qi Xie, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“Tools and Benchmarks for Automated Log Parsing”
ICSE (SEIP) 2019: 121-130. [pdf]
[DASFAA] Zitai Chen, Tongzhao Cai, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng, Guohui Ling
“SINE: Side Information Network Embedding”
DASFAA (1) 2019: 692-708. [pdf]
[DASFAA] Jie Huang, Chuan Chen, Fanghua Ye, Jiajing Wu, Zibin Zheng, Guohui Ling
“Hyper2vec: Biased Random Walk for Hyper-Network Embedding”
DASFAA (3) 2019: 273-277. [pdf]
[DASFAA] Weibo Hu, Chuan Chen, Fanghua Ye, Zibin Zheng, Guohui Ling
“Nonnegative Spectral Clustering for Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Learning”
DASFAA (3) 2019: 287-291. [pdf]
[ICWS] Fenfang Xie, Shenghui Li, Liang Chen, Yangjun Xu, Zibin Zheng
“Generative Adversarial Network Based Service Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks”
ICWS 2019: 265-272. [pdf]
[IJCAI] Zitai Chen, Chuan Chen, Zong Zhang, Zibin Zheng, Qingsong Zou
“Variational Graph Embedding and Clustering with Laplacian Eigenmaps”
IJCAI 2019: 2144-2150. [pdf]
[IJCAI] Liang Chen, Yang Liu, Xiangnan He, Lianli Gao, Zibin Zheng
“Matching User with Item Set: Collaborative Bundle Recommendation with Deep Attention Network”
IJCAI 2019: 2095-2101. [pdf]
[IJCAI] Wanshan Zheng, Zibin Zheng, Hai Wan, Chuan Chen
“Dynamically Route Hierarchical Structure Representation to Attentive Capsule for Text Classification”
IJCAI 2019: 5464-5470. [pdf]
[Network] Wuhui Chen, Baichuan Liu, Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Zibin Zheng
“When UAV Swarm Meets Edge-Cloud Computing: The QoS Perspective”
IEEE Network 33(2): 36-43 (2019). [pdf]
[FSE] Yuan Huang, Nan Jia, Xiangping Chen, Kai Hong, Zibin Zheng
“Salient-Class Location:Help Developers Understand Code Change in Code Review”
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2018: 770-774. [pdf]
[CIKM] Liang Chen, Yang Liu, Zibin Zheng, Philip S. Yu
“Heterogeneous Neural Attentive Factorization Machine for Rating Prediction”
CIKM 2018: 833-842. [pdf]
[CIKM] Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection”
CIKM 2018: 1393-1402. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Jie Zhang, Jiajing Wu, Zibin Zheng
“An Adaptive Semi-Local Algorithm for Node Ranking in Large Complex Networks”
ICSOC 2018: 505-514. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Liang Chen, Angyu Zheng, Yinglan Feng, Fenfang Xie, Zibin Zheng
“Software Service Recommendation Base on Collaborative Filtering Neural Network Model”
ICSOC 2018: 388-403. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Yongjian Ye, Yang Liu, Zibin Zheng, Xiaola Lin
“A Weighted Meta-graph based Approach for Mobile Application Recommendation on Heterogeneous Information Networks”
ICSOC 2018: 404-420. [pdf]
[ICML] Shaoan Xie, Zibin Zheng, Liang Chen, Chuan Chen
“Learning Semantic Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation”
ICML 2018: 5419-5428. [pdf]
[ICWS] Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Yongjian Ye, Zibin Zheng, Xiaola Lin
“Factorization Machine based Service Recommendation on Heterogeneous Information Networks”
ICWS 2018: 115-122. [pdf]
[Neurocomputing] Li Rui Jie, Fanghua Ye, Shaoan Xie, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Digging into It: Community Detection via Hidden Attributes Analysis”
Neurocomputing 331: 97-107 (2019). [pdf]
[CIKM] Yatao Yang, Jun Tan, Hongbo Deng, Zibin Zheng, Yutong Lu, Xiangke Liao
“An Active and Deep Semantic Matching Framework for Query Rewrite in E-Commercial Search Engine”
CIKM 2019: 309-318. [pdf]
[Neurocomputing] Li Rui Jie, Fanghua Ye, Shaoan Xie, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Digging into It: Community Detection via Hidden Attributes Analysis”
Neurocomputing 331: 97-107 (2019). [pdf]
[ICWS] Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Yongjian Ye, Zibin Zheng, Xiaola Lin
“Factorization Machine based Service Recommendation on Heterogeneous Information Networks”
ICWS 2018: 115-122. [pdf]
[ICML] Shaoan Xie, Zibin Zheng, Liang Chen, Chuan Chen
“Learning Semantic Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation”
ICML 2018: 5419-5428. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Yongjian Ye, Yang Liu, Zibin Zheng, Xiaola Lin
“A Weighted Meta-graph based Approach for Mobile Application Recommendation on Heterogeneous Information Networks”
ICSOC 2018: 404-420. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Liang Chen, Angyu Zheng, Yinglan Feng, Fenfang Xie, Zibin Zheng
“Software Service Recommendation Base on Collaborative Filtering Neural Network Model”
ICSOC 2018: 388-403. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Jie Zhang, Jiajing Wu, Zibin Zheng
“An Adaptive Semi-Local Algorithm for Node Ranking in Large Complex Networks”
ICSOC 2018: 505-514. [pdf]
[CIKM] Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection”
CIKM 2018: 1393-1402. [pdf]
[CIKM] Liang Chen, Yang Liu, Zibin Zheng, Philip S. Yu
“Heterogeneous Neural Attentive Factorization Machine for Rating Prediction”
CIKM 2018: 833-842. [pdf]
[FSE] Yuan Huang, Nan Jia, Xiangping Chen, Kai Hong, Zibin Zheng
“Salient-Class Location:Help Developers Understand Code Change in Code Review”
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2018: 770-774. [pdf]
[ICDM] Fanghua Ye, Shenghui Li, Zhiwei Lin, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“Adaptive Affinity Learning for Accurate Community Detection”
ICDM 2018: 1374-1379. [pdf]
[AAAI] Zitai Chen, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng, Yi Zhu
“Tensor Decomposition for Multilayer Networks Clustering”
AAAI 2019: 3371-3378. [pdf]
[] Yuan Huang, Xiangping Chen, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaonan Luo, Zibin Zheng
“Using Discriminative Feature in Software Entities for Relevance Identification of Code Changes”
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 29(7) (2017). [pdf]
[TPDS] Jieming Zhu, Pinjia He, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“Online QoS Prediction for Runtime Service Adaptation via Adaptive Matrix Factorization”
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 28(10): 2911-2924 (2017). [pdf]
[] Zibin Zheng, Fanghua Ye, Rong-Hua Li, Guohui Ling, Tan Jin
“Finding Weighted K-Truss Communities in Large Networks”
Inf. Sci. 417: 344-360 (2017). [pdf]
[] Hongbing Wang, Lei Wang, Qi Yu, Zibin Zheng, Zhengping Yang
“A Proactive Approach Based on Online Reliability Prediction for Adaptation of Service-oriented Systems”
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 114: 70-84 (2018). [pdf]
[ICWS] Pinjia He, Jieming Zhu, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“Drain: An Online Log Parsing Approach with Fixed Depth Tree”
ICWS 2017: 33-40. [pdf]
[ICWS] Jieming Zhu, Pinjia He, Qi Xie, Zibin Zheng, Michael R. Lyu
“CARP: Context-Aware Reliability Prediction of Black-Box Web Service”
ICWS 2017: 17-24. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Yaoming Wu, Fenfang Xie, Liang Chen, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
“An Embedding Based Factorization Machine Approach for Web Service QoS Prediction”
ICSOC 2017: 272-286. [pdf]
[ICSOC] Fanghua Ye, Jiahao Liu, Chuan Chen, Guohui Ling, Zibin Zheng, Yuren Zhou
“Efficient Influential Individuals Discovery on Service-Oriented Social Networks: A Community-Based Approach”
ICSOC 2017: 605-613. [pdf]