27 5月 实验室4篇论文被ICSOC 2018录用
时间: 17:47
分类: 未分类
ICSOC (International Conference on Service Oriented Computing) 是CCF B类国际会议,是服务计算领域的旗舰会议。
ICSOC 2018共收到273篇投稿论文,最终仅以14.64%的录用率收录了40篇长文以及24.54%的录用率收录了27篇短文。
helpful great management
实验室在本次会议中斩获佳绩,谢芬方同学的《A Weighted Meta-graph based Approach for Mobile Application Recommendation on Heterogeneous Information Networks》、林锦进同学的《Microscope:Pinpoint the Abnormal Services with Causal Graphs in Micro-service Environments》、郑昂宇同学的《Software service recommendation base on Collaborative Filtering Neural Network model》等3篇长文,以及叶方华同学的短文《An Adaptive Semi-Local Algorithm for Node Ranking in Large Complex Networks》被本次会议录用。