Research Datasets



WS-DREAM is a Distributed REliability Assessment Mechanism for Web Services, allowing users to carry out Web Service reliability and quality assessment in a collaborative manner. This Website is for demonstrating our research results and release Web service research datasets.



Zibin Zheng (Ben), Professor

Deputy Dean, School of Software Engineering
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou, China

  • Senior Member, ACM & IEEE
  • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICSE2010



The main goal of these Web service research datasets are to offer real-world data for future research.

Our datasets are freely available for research purposes. Downloading and using the WS-DREAM dataset will indicate your acceptance to enter into a GNU General Public License agreement. Redistribution of this dataset to any other third party or in the Web is not permitted.


These datasets have been downloaded by more than 300 universities globally. Click here to see the download records.

The related papers have been cited more than 1800 times. Click here to see the citation.

The datasets have been cited more than 200 times in the related papers. Click here to see the details of some citations.



Dataset 1: 150*100 Web services QoS dataset.

We monitor 100 Web services by using 150 distributed computer nodes located all over the world.

  1. The dataset contains 150 files, where each file includes 10,000 Web service invocations on 100 Web services by a service user.
  2. Planet-lab is employed for monitoring the Web services.
  3. There are totally more than 1.5 millons Web service invocations.
  4. Each line in the file is a Web service invocation result, where the following table provides some samples of the results.
ClientIP WSID Response time (ms) DataSize HTTP Code HTTP Message 8451 2736 582 200 OK 8460 804 14419 200 OK 8953 20176 2624 -1 connect timed out

If you use this dataset, please cite our Website ( and use the following reference in citing the dataset:


title={Collaborative Reliability Prediction for Service-Oriented Systems},
author={Zibin Zheng and Michael R. Lyu},
booktitle={Proc. IEEE/ACM 32nd Int'l Conf. Software Engineering (ICSE'10)},



Dataset 2: 339 * 5825 Web service QoS dataset

Real-world QoS evaluation results from 339 users on 5,825 Web services.

This dataset includes:

  1. readme.txt (1 KB): descriptions of the dataset.
  2. userlist.txt (19KB): information of 339 service users. Format: | User ID | IP address of user | country | longitude | latitude |
  3. wslist.txt (505KB): information of the 5825 Web services. Format: | WS ID | WSDL address | provider name | country name |
  4. rtmatrix.txt (11MB) 339 * 5825 user-item matrix of response-time. Use ULtraEdit to open the file, since the file size is too large for Notepad.
  5. tpmatrix.txt (12MB): 339 * 5825 user-item matrix for throughput. Use ULtraEdit to open the file, since the file size is too large for Notepad.

If you use this dataset, please cite our Website ( and use the following reference in citing the dataset:

  • Zibin Zheng, Yilei Zhang, and Michael R. Lyu, “Distributed QoS Evaluation for Real-World Web Services,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2010), Miami, Florida, USA, July 5-10, 2010, pp.83-90. 

Dataset 3: 142 * 4532 * 64 time-aware Web service QoS dataset

Real-world QoS evaluation results from 142 users on 4,532 Web services on 64 different time slots.

This dataset includes:

  1. readme.txt (1 KB): descriptions of the dataset.
  2. rtRate(480 MB): response-time values of 4,532 Web services when invoked by 142 service users in 64 time intervals. The data format is as following:
    | Time Interval ID | Web Service ID | Service User ID | Response-Time (s) |
    e.g.: 98 4352 33 0.311
  3. tpRate (571 MB): throughput values of 4,532 Web services when invoked by 142 service users in 64 time intervals. The data format is as following:
    | Time Interval ID | Web Service ID | Service User ID | Throughput (kbps) |
    e.g.: 91 1196 62 32.882355

If you use this dataset, please cite our Website ( and use the following reference in citing the dataset:

Dataset 4: WSDL dataset

This dataset includes:

  1. readme.txt (1 KB): descriptions of the dataset.
  2. wslist.txt (343 KB): contains information of 3,738 real-world Web services.
  3. folder wsdl (46.2?acronym title="Megabyte">MB): includes 3,738 WSDL files.

If you use this dataset, please cite our Website ( and use the following reference in citing the dataset:


title={WSExpress: A?acronym title="Quality of Service">QoS-aware Search Engine for Web Services},
author={Yilei Zhang and Zibin Zheng and Michael R. Lyu},
booktitle={Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Web Services (ICWS'10)},


Dataset 5: 102 * 3568 failure probability matrix (will be published soon...)

This dataset can be employed for studying Web service reliability prediction. It includes:

  1. readme.txt : descriptions of the dataset.
  2. fpmatrix.txt  102 * 3568 user-item matrix of Web service failure probability.









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